Elephantmen celebrates it's 25th issue, some of the world's best talent has been collected to join in on the celebration. Each page of the issue is drawn by a profoundly talented guest artist, and here is the list:
Tim Sale (Batman: The Long Halloween),
Moritat (Elephantmen, The Spirit),
Gabriel Bautista (Popgun),
Duncan Rouleau (Metal Men, The Great Unknown),
Sheldon Vella (Kill Audio, Supertron),
Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, Marth Washington),
Dougie Braithwaite (Justice),
Gary Erskine (Dan Dare),
Steve Buccellato (Battle of the Bands),
Whilce Portacio (Spawn, Image United),
Ian Churchill (Hulk),
Shaky Kane (The Bulletproof Coffin),
Raul Trevino (Final Incal),
Boo Cook (Judge Anderson),
Paul Grist (Jack Staff),
Ladrönn (Final Incal),
Marian Churchland (Beast),
André Szymanowicz (Sushi Nachos),
David Hine (The Bulletproof Coffin, Strange Embrace),
Chris Burnham (Nixon's Pals) and
Aaron Kuder, Brandon Graham (King City),
Dan McDaid (Jersey Gods),
Tom Scioli (Godland),
Pia Guerra (Y the Last Man),
Axel Medellin (50 Girls 50), and
Rob Steen (Flanimals).
Is that a "Who's Who" of Comic Book Artists or what?
ELEPHANTMEN #25: THE BIG PICTURE is told entirely in splash pages and chronicles the history of the Elephantmen from the point of view of one man, making it a great jumping-on point for new readers! Written by
Richard Starkings.