Citizen's Grade: O.K.
Edward Norton stars as Bruce Banner, the scientist who has been in hiding and living in the shadows...searching diligently for a cure to the uncontrollable rage that lurks within him. But when the military forces him out of the shadows, they don't get Banner, but his rage...known as The Hulk.
The only thing capable of calming the green monster is the lovely Betty Ross (played by Liv Tyler), though her father; General Ross (played by William Hurt) is the one masterminding the hunt for Banner's genetic alter-ego. An assassin turned Abomination (played by Tim Roth) hunts for the The Hulk, but goes beyond what he is able to control in his search for power and vengeance. Can Banner use The Hulk to save the the innocent, and those he loves and hates....or will his curse be their downfall as well?
Overall a decent film with good acting and great special effects. Compared to the abysmal Hulk (starring Eric Bana) of a few years before, The Incredible Hulk is awesomely better!